Monday, April 13, 2009

Flip Flops Color?

What color of flip flops goes well with everything? I mostly wear blue jeans, but sometimes khaki shorts. In case it helps, I have pale skin and blond hair.

I was thinking tan or brown, but I really don%26#039;t know squat about flip flops. ^_^

Thanks for reading!

Flip Flops Color?
I would say tan, black , or white. The only problem with white ones are they get dirty really easily, but black goes with everything.

Reply:I think u should wear black flip flops with designs on it...

hope that works..
Reply:BLACK flip-flops
Reply:blck or gry
Reply:black or tan flip flops g... luck
Reply:yah i would say darkish brown.
Reply:Tan flip flops are good. Leather or the better quality are better. And they look great with everything! Browns and Blacks are good.
Reply:yea defently tan or brown look @ what goes wit most of ur clothes and the colors
Reply:i have khaki slip on flip flop. i got them from river island and they go with everything.

i would say khaki

books b

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